How to stew mushrooms: Enhance the flavor

20.06.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

If you love mushrooms, you can not just grill or fry them - try stewing them instead.

Stewing helps to enhance the flavor a lot, and it also allows you to be more creative with your cooking.

Here are some tips on how to do it.

Prep the ingredients

Gather the ingredients you'll need, including mushrooms, cooking oil or butter, onions (optional), garlic (optional), herbs and spices, and a liquid like vegetable or mushroom broth, wine, or water.

Slice or quarter the mushrooms

Depending on their size, slice or quarter the mushrooms into pieces.


Sauté the aromatics (optional)

Heat some oil or butter in a large skillet or pot over medium heat.

Add the sliced mushrooms

Increase the heat to medium-high and then add the sliced or quartered mushrooms to your skillet or pot.

Cook for a few minutes until the mushrooms start to soften and release their moisture.

Season the mushrooms

Add the preferable seasonings to suit your taste.

Stir well to distribute the flavors.

Add some liquid

Pour in some liquid of your choice, like vegetable or mushroom broth, wine, or just water.

The liquid should partially cover the mushrooms.

Simmer and stew

Reduce the heat to minimum, cover the skillet or pot, and let the mushrooms simmer and stew.

Serve and enjoy

Once the mushrooms are pretty tender and well stewed, remove them from the heat.

They can be served as a side dish, over rice or pasta, or even as a topping for toast or grilled meat.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Prep the ingredients
  2. Slice or quarter the mushrooms
  3. Sauté the aromatics (optional)
  4. Add the sliced mushrooms
  5. Season the mushrooms
  6. Add some liquid
  7. Simmer and stew
  8. Serve and enjoy