Interesting Fact: What is the Difference between Table and Sea Salt

07.05.2023 08:59
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Salt is one of the main additives in cooking. Seasoning is used both for main dishes and side dishes with desserts. However, what is the difference between table salt and sea salt?

What is table salt

Table salt is small crystals that are mined in places where salt is deposited.

This type of salt is processed and purified from excess minerals and impurities in the composition. Or, conversely, enriched, for example, with iodine.

Table salt has a fine fraction, which is convenient for adding to pastries and desserts.

Only salt is felt in the taste without additives


What is sea salt

Sea salt is obtained by evaporating water from the ocean or salt lakes.

Sea salt is:

  • Refined. It is washed from other minerals and substances.
  • Unrefined. Salt undergoes minimal processing and retains trace elements in the composition.

Unrefined sea salt has the smell and taste of sea minerals.

What is the difference

In fact, the composition of sea and table salt is very similar.

However, the types of salt differ in texture and taste.

Sea salt is coarser and table salt is finer.

Therefore, when cooking, you need to use less sea salt than table salt.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is table salt
  2. What is sea salt
  3. What is the difference