Macadamia: Health Benefits

22.09.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Macadamia nuts have a sweet, creamy flavor and a fatty consistency.

Due to the high content of healthy fats, the nut is quite high in calories and can be consumed instead of regular sweets.

The nut has a spicy vanilla aroma with hints of almond, which is why it is often added to desserts.

What are the benefits of macadamia nut

Macadamia nut consists of: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins: B, C, E; micro and macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, etc.

Macadamia nut helps with migraines, vitamin deficiency, arthritis and even varicose veins.


Improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of cancer, and helps restore potency.

The vitamins that make up macadamia have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

How many macadamia nuts can you eat per day

Despite the fact that macadamia nuts are beneficial for the body, do not forget that they are very high in calories.

100 grams of nuts contain more than 700 calories.

Therefore, the daily norm is about 30–40 grams, i.e. about 10 nuts without shell.

How to eat macadamia nuts correctly

Macadamia fruits taste similar to hazelnuts.

Large nuts are usually roasted and coated with caramel or chocolate, while the small and crushed kernels are added to salads and seafood dishes or pressed into oil.

Connoisseurs believe that the taste of macadamia is best emphasized by coffee and sherry.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the benefits of macadamia nut
  2. How many macadamia nuts can you eat per day
  3. How to eat macadamia nuts correctly