A new study: Eat less fat – workouts won't fix your diet

13.01.2024 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

A study provides motivation for your New Year's resolutions.

High-fat diets cause obesity and many other health issues, and also affect the immune system, brain function, and may increase the risk of COVID-19.

Let's find out more about how it works and why.

How it was discovered

The specialists fed mice three different high-fat diets for 24 weeks, with at least 40% of the calories coming from fat.

All three groups of mice had worrying changes in gene expression compared to a low-fat control diet.


These changes affect how genetic information is used to create functional products like proteins.

Contrary to popular belief, a high-fat diet, even if it's plant-based, can have negative effects.

The research shows that high-fat diets have various effects on the body.

They can cause changes in genes related to how the body processes fat, the composition of gut bacteria, and genes connected to infectious diseases.

Furthermore, all three high-fat diets cause the body to produce more ACE2 and other proteins that the COVID virus exploits to invade cells.

In addition, high-fat diets result in an elevation of stem cells in the colon, which could indicate a higher risk of developing cancer.

When comparing the oils examined, coconut oil had the greatest influence on gene expression, followed by unmodified soybean oil.

Mice fed the soybean oil diet showed more pronounced negative changes in their gut bacteria compared to other groups.

Why it's important

It's important to remember that it is the long-term consumption of high-fat diets that leads to the observed effects, rather than a single meal.

Consistently eating a high-fat diet can have an impact on the immune system and brain function.

It's worth noting that merely increasing exercise may not be enough to counteract these effects.

It's essential to closely examine our eating habits and make healthier choices.

Previously, we talked about cooking pesto sauce.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. How it was discovered
  2. Why it's important