Nutritionist Opinion: Is Bacon Healthy

02.09.2023 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

A nutritionist recommends eating bacon no more than twice a week. The product should be combined only with healthy food - greens, cereals and vegetables.

How to eat bacon

Most often, raw smoked bacon is served with scrambled eggs, soups, goulash, gravy, as a separate cut. They add it to pizza, burgers, make toast with it.

What does good bacon look like

Good bacon costs the same as fresh meat. The composition should not contain too many additives: only meat and 10% brine.

Pay attention to the color - good bacon has white veins and brown meat.

Benefits of bacon

Pork, from which bacon is made, contains almost all vitamins, minerals and trace elements.


Bacon improves the state of the cardiovascular system, restores human strength, promotes the proper formation of the skeleton, and also relieves depression.

Proteins and fats contained in bacon help to restore strength after serious physical exertion.

Children can also be given some bacon, as the lysine contained in it helps to strengthen skeletal muscles and bones.

Why is bacon bad

Bacon should not be eaten by people with diseases of the heart, digestive system, and organs of the excretory system.

The fact is that the product contains a lot of sodium, salts that retain water.

Eating bacon can not only disrupt the water-salt balance, but also cause swelling.

Why you shouldn't eat bacon often

According to experts, excessive consumption of this product can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Experts note that bacon contains a large amount of harmful trans fats.

“According to WHO recommendations, fats should make up 15-35% of the daily calorie intake.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to eat bacon
  2. What does good bacon look like
  3. Benefits of bacon
  4. Why is bacon bad
  5. Why you shouldn't eat bacon often