Nutritionist's tips: Winter charcuterie ideas – use fruits!

31.12.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

In winter, lots of people prefer to use lots of meat and cheese in their charcuteries, but you can always be more creative!

It's the perfect time to integrate more fruits, because our bodies often lack vitamins in winter.

Here are a few tips on fruits that you can also use when you have guests.


Crisp and sweet, apples are a great choice. You can slice them and serve them alongside the meats and cheeses.


Juicy and slightly sweet, pears complement the flavors of cured meats. Slice them and add them to your charcuterie board.



Grapes are a classic choice for charcuterie. They are easy to snack on and provide a refreshing burst of flavor.


Figs have a unique sweetness that pairs well with salty meats. Look for fresh or dried figs to add a touch of richness to your board.


Citrus fruits like oranges bring a bright and tangy flavor to the charcuterie. Peel them and separate the slices for easy snacking.


These tart berries add a pop of color and tang to the board. You can use fresh cranberries or cranberry sauce as a flavorful accompaniment.


Pomegranate seeds are not only visually appealing but also add a delightful burst of sweetness. Sprinkle them over your charcuterie for an extra touch.


Kiwis offer a refreshing and slightly tart flavor. Peel and slice them for a unique addition to your winter charcuterie.

Previously, we talked about creative feast dishes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Apples
  2. Pears
  3. Grapes
  4. Figs
  5. Oranges
  6. Cranberries
  7. Pomegranates
  8. Kiwis