Oregano Oil: Health Benefits

15.11.2023 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Oregano oil, widely available in tablet or capsule form, is made by extracting beneficial compounds from the plant using alcohol or carbon dioxide.

What is oregano used for

One of the most common spices in Italian cuisine, it is often added to pizza and pasta for a fresh flavor.

Oregano (or oregano) has a bitter-spicy aroma and a rich, tart taste with light astringent notes.

What flavor does oregano give

Oregano adds a spicy, aromatic, slightly tart flavor to Mediterranean dishes.

This spice owes its popularity to Italian migrants who spread it throughout the world.


What are the benefits of oregano oil capsules

Oregano not only protects against infections, but also normalizes digestion.

Thanks to carvacrol, an organic compound contained in oregano essential oil, the drug controls cholesterol levels and promotes the burning of accumulated fat.

Why should you drink oregano oil

To support the immune system, it is enough to take one drop of oil orally daily.

However, if additional immune support is needed, the frequency of administration can be slightly increased.

Oregano is a popular spice and also supports the digestion and respiratory system when taken internally.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is oregano used for
  2. What flavor does oregano give
  3. What are the benefits of oregano oil capsules
  4. Why should you drink oregano oil