Physalis: Health Benefits

24.08.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23


Physalis is eaten raw, dried, various jams and desserts are prepared, added to drinks, salads, pies and puddings, sweets, and also used as a decorative element of the table.

What does edible physalis look like

The fruit of the vegetable physalis is a fleshy yellow-green or yellow-orange berry, similar to a tomato. The fruits are tasty, they are consumed both raw and processed. If the fruits are harvested unripe, they can be stored for the whole winter (similar to lanterns in orange cases).

What is useful physalis for the body

The leaves contain carotenoids, esters, steroids, cholesterol, phenolcarbolic acids, flavonoids. Alkaloids were found in the roots, and fatty oil was found in the seeds. Physalis fruits have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic, diuretic, choleretic effects.

Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic actions, physalis effectively copes with urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis and various inflammatory processes in the female genital organs. So the systematic use of physalis in food is the key to good health.

Do I need to wash physalis

Moreover, small orange strawberries are ready to eat raw. Just before eating, you need to thoroughly wash them with hot water or even pour boiling water over them to get rid of the sticky coating.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does edible physalis look like
  2. What is useful physalis for the body
  3. Do I need to wash physalis