Recipes from the Barista: Author's Coffee Raf Recipes at Home

02.06.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

The drink will appeal to lovers of sweets.

Vanilla sugar is placed in the classic raff, and syrups and sweet preparations are used in author's recipes.

For example, homemade salted caramel.

Unlike cappuccino, the drink is sweeter and more delicate thanks to cream.

Author's coffee raff recipes

For those who like to experiment with flavors, we recommend trying the following drinks:

  • Honey. Instead of vanilla sugar, add a couple of teaspoons of honey. It will give a floral aroma and bright sweetness that goes well with coffee and cream.
  • "Snickers". Before whipping the raff, put a tablespoon of peanut butter in it. As an additional sweetener, caramel or chocolate syrup is suitable.
  • Coconut. Use coconut cream instead of regular cream. They are not inferior in fat content and will add a bright tropical flavor to the drink. Ready raff can be decorated with coconut flakes.
  • Lavender. Grind flowers with a coffee grinder to dust or use lavender syrup. Add an additional component to other ingredients and beat.
  • Blackberry. Use fresh or frozen berries. The fruits contain a lot of seeds, so rub them through a sieve.
  • Citrus. Instead of sugar, add homemade or homemade orange or lemon syrup. Cream and coffee pair well with citrus notes. In addition to the syrup, orange fresh juice or zest will go.
  • Banana. Grind half a banana with a blender or fork and whisk together with other ingredients for a drink. Since the fruit is quite sweet, sugar can be omitted.
  • Crimson. For cooking, you need ready-made mashed potatoes or frozen berries. To remove the acid, add more sugar.
  • Cheesy. Whisk coffee, cream and sugar with Mascarpone cream cheese. Add some salt for a richer taste.
  • Spicy. Put a mixture of spices in a cezve or already prepared coffee. Cardamom, cinnamon, anise, ginger, nutmeg are well suited to raf.
  • Mint. Grind mint leaves with a blender; beat together with coffee, sugar and cream. To make the drink more saturated in color and taste, put more mint.
  • Chocolate. Melt 50 g of dark or milk chocolate in a water bath, whisk together with coffee and cream.

In the assortment of stores, you can buy syrup with any taste: from berry to flower. Don't be afraid to experiment. For example, orange goes well with chocolate, spices go well with cherries, banana goes well with coconut.

Raff is served in a glass. The most important thing in preparation is a quality coffee bean, respect for proportions and a balance of sweetness.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource