Use coconut cream more: Cooking ideas

04.12.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Even people who can't tolerate lactose can enjoy amazing creamy dishes - they just need to add more coconut cream to their diet!

Coconut cream can be an amazing solution for lots of dishes that benefit from thick and flavorful creaminess without many calories or lactose.

Here are a few ideas on how you can use it.

Curries and Stews

Add coconut cream to curries and stews for a rich and creamy texture. It pairs well with various spices and enhances the flavor of the dish.


Incorporate coconut cream into soups, such as tomato or pumpkin soup, to create a velvety consistency. 


It adds a tropical twist to traditional soup recipes.

Smoothies and Shakes

Blend coconut cream into smoothies and shakes for a tropical flavor. It complements fruits like mango, pineapple, and banana.

Oatmeal or Porridge

Stir coconut cream into your morning oatmeal or porridge for a creamy and indulgent breakfast. Top it with sliced fruits for extra freshness.

Rice Dishes

Use coconut cream to cook rice for a flavorful side dish. It pairs well with Asian-inspired recipes and adds a subtle sweetness to the rice.


Make creamy desserts like coconut rice pudding or coconut panna cotta. Coconut cream adds richness to desserts without being overly sweet.

Cakes and Baked Goods

Substitute part of the liquid in cake or muffin recipes with coconut cream for a moist and coconut-flavored result. 

It works well in both sweet and savory baked goods.

Iced Coffee or Tea

Add a splash of coconut cream to your iced coffee or tea for a tropical twist. It's a refreshing alternative to traditional creamers.

Marinades and Sauces

Use coconut cream in marinades for meats or tofu. It helps tenderize and infuse the dish with a coconut flavor. 

Additionally, it can be a base for flavorful sauces.

Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Mash boiled sweet potatoes with coconut cream for a luscious side dish. The natural sweetness of coconut complements the sweetness of the potatoes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Curries and Stews
  2. Soups
  3. Smoothies and Shakes
  4. Oatmeal or Porridge
  5. Rice Dishes
  6. Desserts
  7. Cakes and Baked Goods
  8. Iced Coffee or Tea
  9. Marinades and Sauces
  10. Mashed Sweet Potatoes