When appetite spikes: Nutritionist's insights

03.10.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Even if you can control your appetite really well, there are some situations when it can get out of control.

It has nothing to do with your self-control, though - it's natural for your appetite to change according to your conditions and feelings.

Let's find out more about how it works.


When you haven't eaten for a while, your body starts to feel hungry. 

This is a natural signal that tells you it's time to eat. 

mexican food

When you're very hungry, your appetite can seem bigger because your body needs more food to satisfy its hunger.

Sensory Triggers

Sometimes, when you see or smell delicious food, it can make you feel hungrier. 

Your senses, like your nose and eyes, can make your appetite grow because they make you want to eat what you see or smell.


Your emotions, like stress, sadness, or happiness, can also affect your appetite. 

When you're stressed or upset, you might want to eat more to comfort yourself. 

On the other hand, when you're happy, you might have a bigger appetite because you're in a good mood.

Physical Activity

If you've been very active, like exercising a lot, your body might need more energy, so your appetite can increase to make up for the calories you've burned.


It's normal to have a huge appetite sometimes - that's how our brain and body cope with stress and exhaustion.

Meanwhile, it's still better to eat balanced meals regularly.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Hunger
  2. Sensory Triggers
  3. Emotions
  4. Physical Activity
  5. Conclusion