Which drinks are the most valuable for losing weight: the opinion of nutritionists

26.02.2024 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

In this article, you will learn what drinks are good to drink when losing weight.

What is better to drink while dieting

First, nutritionists advise starting your day with water with lemon, but not on an empty stomach.

Citrus juice gives you a feeling of fullness and improves metabolism.

In addition, you can prepare a smoothie with oatmeal or a protein shake for breakfast.

These drinks will help you lose weight overall. This way you will be full for a long time due to the protein in the smoothie.


In addition, you can add herbal teas and fruit juices without added sugar to your diet.

You can drink 1-2 glasses of fruit juice per week.

One of the most effective drinks for fighting excess weight is green tea.

The drink contains a large amount of antioxidants that promote fat burning.

Green tea also enhances metabolic processes in the body, which helps speed up metabolism and improve digestion.

Know that in addition to drinks, you should drink about 2-3 glasses of clean water per day.

Previously, we told you who should not drink coffee with milk.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource