Why we need to take vitamin D: the whole truth about the “sunshine hormone”

02.05.2024 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:20

Vitamin D is important for the functioning of the human body.

In the article, we will talk about this in detail.

Why is vitamin D so important for the body

Vitamin D takes part in many processes occurring in the human body.

Vitamin D is involved in regulating the ratio of calcium and phosphorus, which ensures the health of your bones and joints.

In addition, the vitamin supports the proper functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.


It also helps the body build and strengthen immunity.

The health of your teeth, gums and muscles also depends on the level of vitamin D in your body.

Vitamin D is also involved in improving human brain activity and plays an important role in preventing dementia.

Our body also needs vitamin D to convert food into energy.

Therefore, if you constantly feel tired and lack energy, it may be a sign that you have low levels of vitamin D in your body.

If you have symptoms such as apathy, fatigue, lethargy, impaired concentration and memory, this is a reason to get tested and consult a doctor.

How can you get vitamin D

Large amounts of vitamin D are found mainly in foods of animal origin.

Most of the vitamin is found in fatty fish and seafood.

For example, mackerel, salmon, sardines, catfish, tuna, caviar, oysters.

Also, egg yolk and dairy products are good sources of vitamin D.

In addition, small amounts of the vitamin are found in wild mushrooms and seeds.

We previously talked about the health benefits of pistachios.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why is vitamin D so important for the body
  2. How can you get vitamin D