You Didn't Know It: Types of Instant Coffee

01.06.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

There are 3 types of instant coffee on the market.

Powder. During the manufacturing process, it significantly loses its taste and aromatic qualities. The method is considered obsolete.

Granulated. Moisture is added to the powder to create granules. They are easier and faster to dissolve in water.

Sublimated. In the manufacture, not boiling water is used, but freezing with evaporation of moisture. The method preserves the aroma.

When packing instant coffee, essential oils, sugar and flavorings are often added to packs, sometimes glucose. If the natural shell in the form of grain husks has been left, sugar is not needed. In this case, the grain receives natural sugar from the pulp of the berry.


Each plant has its own recipes. The consumer does not always notice the differences, but brands use different raw materials, roasting and manufacturing methods.

The taste characteristics of the drink depend on many factors. For example, the height of the coffee tree, plant variety, air temperature, soil acidity, berry processing and grain characteristics. Therefore, the taste may vary from pack to pack.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource