

It has been proven that light illumination greatly affects our body and ability to work actively and concentrate. A more useful level of daylight will be (this is approximately in the range of 4000 to 5000 Kelvin).

Diana Dashkevich work place interior interior tips House Design 19 December 2023

You've probably seen lots of different ring lamps these days, or maybe you already own one. These lamps aren't only useful - they can also be quite stylish and modern, so people use them as home decor as well.

Kate Yakimchuk lighting interior style House Design 23 November 2023
lamp shade

A creative lamp shade can be an amazing decoration for your interior. The best thing about lamp shades is that you can make them by yourself - just collect the best materials!

Kate Yakimchuk shades DIY ideas interior House Design 10 October 2023

If you have no garden, then you still can enjoy gardening - you can always grow plants indoors! To help your plants thrive, you need a special lamp that can imitate daylight and create perfect conditions for your plants.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips plants Garden 25 September 2023
night lamp

Night lamps aren't just for going to bed - they can be extremely useful for creating an ambient atmosphere in your house.  You can use them both in the evenings and during the day in dark corners of your house.

Kate Yakimchuk lighting interior tips House Design 24 September 2023
pendant lamp

If you're tired of standard built-in ceiling lamps, then you should try pendant lamps instead. They can be extremely diverse in style, size, and colors, but most of them have something in common - they can improve your interior!

Kate Yakimchuk interior lighting tips House Design 14 September 2023
old lamp

Lighting is important on its own, and lamps can sometimes add a lot of personality to your interior. At the same time, fashion changes all the time - and now some old-fashioned lamps can instantly make your house feel outdated.

Kate Yakimchuk lighting fashion interior House Design 6 September 2023
floor lamp

A floor lamp can make your living space look stylish and cozy, but you need to choose the best one. Choosing the perfect floor lamp involves considering various factors to ensure that it complements your space, meets your lighting needs, and aligns with your design preferences. 

Kate Yakimchuk choosing lighting tips interior House Design 2 September 2023

Floor lamps are important to clean frequently as they quickly accumulate a lot of dust and other debris. In the article we will talk about the secrets of quick and effective cleansing.

Diana Dashkevich home cleaning advices Helpful tips 28 June 2023

Lamps and chandeliers can be in and out of fashion, too. The type of lamp can change the atmosphere of your house a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk lighting light interior mistakes design tips House Design 2 June 2023