

Reptiles are different from mammals, so it's often hard to understand what they think or feel. Meanwhile, there are still some signs that can help you understand that your pet lizard is ill.

Kate Yakimchuk reptiles pets health Animals 9 November 2023

Taking care of a pet lizard requires careful attention and adherence to specific care guidelines.  Making mistakes in their care can have serious consequences for their health and well-being. 

Kate Yakimchuk pets care Animals 5 August 2023

Lizards have an ability to grow new tails - isn't it amazing? Many lizards have the remarkable ability to grow new tails multiple times, a phenomenon known as autotomy and regeneration. 

Kate Yakimchuk wild animals nature Animals 22 July 2023

Pet reptiles, like any other animal, do not experience emotions or form attachments to their owners in the same way that mammals such as dogs or cats do.  Your dog or your cat can be visibly happy to see and communicate with you, but reptiles seem not to care about you at all.

Kate Yakimchuk pets facts pets reptiles Animals 1 July 2023

Lizards aren't the most popular pets, but they can be great for people who love observing their pets more than interacting with them. These reptiles have lots of various species, they can look beautiful, and they are pretty low maintenance as well.

Kate Yakimchuk pets pets facts Animals 10 June 2023