pet food

cat and fish

Feeding raw fish to cats is a topic of debate among veterinarians and experts in feline nutrition.  While cats are obligate carnivores and naturally consume raw meat in the wild, there are several considerations to keep in mind before offering raw fish as part of their diet.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pet health fish Animals 18 July 2023
pet food

Many feline guardians have pondered whether dog food could suffice for their cats - it is occasionally more cost-effective and available in larger quantities. Cat food and dog food are meticulously designed to cater to the distinct nutritional requirements of each species, considering their unique dietary needs and physiological disparities.

Kate Yakimchuk pets facts pet health cats dogs Animals 18 July 2023

Wild cats often bury their food, and even pet cats often pretend they bury food in their bowls. While some owners assume it shows that means they dislike it, it's not always the case.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats pets facts Animals 17 June 2023

Feeding your pets isn't as easy as you might think, because age, size and breed of your dog matter a lot. Your pet might seem hungry and looking for snacks all the time, but your responsibility as an owner is to make their diet balanced and healthy.

Kate Yakimchuk pets facts dogs pet health Animals 12 June 2023

Food isn't just energy, but also pleasure - and cats think the same way. When your cat hates its food, you can notice it - the signs are usually pretty obvious, so you can notice it and buy different food for your pet.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats pet health Animals 10 June 2023