
a bee

You can't make your plants thrive and produce fruits without pollinators - they are an essential part of nature. Meanwhile, too many pesticides or other gardening mistakes can scare away or kill all the important insects in your garden.

Kate Yakimchuk insects gardening tips Garden 18 September 2023

While gardeners are often concerned about pests, not all insects are potentially harmful to your crops. Gardens are often home to a diverse range of insects, many of which are harmless and even beneficial to the ecosystem. 

Kate Yakimchuk insects gardening Garden 29 August 2023
a bee

Pollinators play a crucial role in maintaining the health and productivity of a garden ecosystem.  They facilitate the process of pollination, which is the transfer of pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts. 

Kate Yakimchuk gardening insects bees Garden 23 August 2023
apple tree

Self-pollinated plants, also known as self-pollinators or self-fertile plants, have several advantages that make them great choices for gardening.  These plants have the ability to produce seeds and fruits by pollinating themselves, without the need for external pollen from other plants. 

Kate Yakimchuk gardening plants Garden 4 August 2023

Both plants and insects need each other. Some feed on pollen, while others thrive on pollination. Pollinators include many insects, such as butterflies and bees.

Diana Dashkevich insects gardening facts Garden 13 June 2023

Some plants don't need other plants to pollinate - and that can be very useful for gardeners. Lots of cultures have self-fertile varieties, so you should consider planting one of them.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips plants Garden 31 May 2023