Advice from a Psychologist: How to Find Time for Nature

14.10.2023 13:05
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Nature has a positive effect on mental health and mood. However, it is not always clear how to find time for outdoor walks.

Go outside in the morning

A morning walk will give you energy and vigor to start a new day.

Get in the habit of going for a walk before or after breakfast.

The sun's rays also improve your mood and help you wake up.

In addition, on the street you get vitamin D, which is so important for physical and mental health.

Photo: Pixabay

The sun helps regulate the circadian rhythms that help us stay awake and fall asleep.

Make a daily routine

Allocate specific time for a walk in nature.

It can be both weekdays and weekends.

Find parks or scenic spots outside of town that are easy to get to.

On weekends or on vacation, you can choose for yourself a slightly longer journey: to another city or country.

Make time for a walk or ride easier when you include it in your plans.

Choose to walk whenever possible

For example, take a walk home after a day's work through a park or turn onto a hiking trail.

Find the most picturesque places near you and look there when you have the opportunity.

Incorporate the outdoors into your daily routine

Replace your gym sessions with outdoor workouts.

Dine or spend time with friends in nature.

Have picnics, meditation in nature.

Even 15 minutes in the fresh air significantly improve mood and well-being. 

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Go outside in the morning
  2. Make a daily routine
  3. Choose to walk whenever possible