Being smart can help you live longer: A new study on lemurs show how lifespan and intelligence are connected

01.08.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Most people know that being smart can make you live longer, because you tend to escape potentially dangerous or silly situations better.

Interestingly, it's true not only for people, but also some animals, including lemurs.

A new study shows how intelligence helps you live longer (and in most cases - better).

The research

Researchers from the German Primate Center conducted a captivating study on gray mouse lemurs, exploring the link between cognitive abilities and survival. 

They subjected the lemurs to cognition and personality tests, finding that those with better cognitive performance and exploratory behavior tended to have longer lifespans. 


Interestingly, being either smart or explorative could lead to an extended life, showcasing diverse survival strategies in these charming creatures. 

Why is it important?

The study sheds light on the intriguing interplay between intelligence and behavior in the animal kingdom, deepening our understanding of their fascinating world.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. The research
  2. Why is it important?