Dangers of Body Dissatisfaction: A New Study on Kids' Depression

19.12.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

New research highlights the fact that dissatisfaction with one's body at age 11 is linked to a higher risk of depression by age 14.

The experiment involved over 13,000 individuals, focusing on individuals born 2000-2002.

The research found that a high BMI at age 7 was associated with increased depressive symptoms at age 14, along with greater body dissatisfaction at age 11.

It's a Real Problem

Body dissatisfaction emerged as a significant factor, accounting for 43% of the link between BMI at age 7 and later depressive symptoms.

Notably, these associations were twice as common in young girls compared to boys.


Why It's Important

The primary author emphasized the importance of considering potential mental health impacts in efforts to get rid of childhood weight, aiming to avoid stigmatization and promote overall well-being in kids.

The experiment did not investigate additional factors contributing to the connection between high BMI and depressive symptoms, indicating that biological factors like inflammation or environmental factors such as bullying might play a role.

The test underscored the significance of interventions addressing body image issues in early adolescence.

They specifically highlighted the value of psychological approaches and media literacy training in these interventions.

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Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. It's a Real Problem
  2. Why It's Important