Decreasing your self-expectations: Psychologist's tips

27.11.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

It's often exhausting when others expect too much from you, but it's even worse when you expect too much from yourself.

If you're tired of living in constant stress, then it's time to decrease those expectations - but how can you do it?

Here are a few tips that might actually work.

Set Realistic Goals

Instead of aiming for perfection, set achievable goals. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

Prioritize Tasks

Focus on what truly needs your attention. Make a list of tasks and tackle them one at a time, starting with the most important.


Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. 

This helps build confidence and reduces the pressure to meet unrealistically high standards.

Learn to Say No

Understand your limits and don't hesitate to say no when you feel overwhelmed. It's okay to decline additional tasks or responsibilities.

Practice Self-Compassion

Treat yourself with kindness. If things don't go as planned, avoid self-criticism. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and faces challenges.

Take Breaks

Give yourself breaks to relax and recharge. Stepping away from tasks can provide a fresh perspective and prevent burnout.

Ask for Help

Don't be afraid to ask for support when needed. Whether it's from friends, family, or colleagues, seeking help is a sign of strength.

Focus on Progress, Not Perfection

Shift your mindset from seeking perfection to valuing progress. Understand that continuous improvement is more important than flawless outcomes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Set Realistic Goals
  2. Prioritize Tasks
  3. Celebrate Small Wins
  4. Learn to Say No
  5. Practice Self-Compassion
  6. Take Breaks
  7. Ask for Help
  8. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection