Don't try to help everyone: Psychologist's tips

08.10.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Don't try to help everyone: Psychologist's tipsIf you're a naturally kind person, then you might feel the urge to help everyone around who needs it.

While it might be extremely kind of you, it might also be a bad idea - it can affect your mental health and resources a lot.

Here's why psychologists suggest not to try helping everyone around you all the time.

Limited Resources

We all have limited time, energy, and resources. 

When you try to help everyone, you might spread yourself too thin, making it hard to provide effective help to anyone.

tired woman


Helping too many people without taking care of yourself can lead to burnout. 

It's like running on an empty tank; eventually, you won't have anything left to give.

Quality vs. Quantity

It's often better to focus on helping a few people really well rather than helping many people in a shallow way. 

Quality help can make a more significant difference.


Sometimes, people may take advantage of your willingness to help. 

Setting boundaries and being selective about who you help can protect you from being used or manipulated.


You might have unique skills or knowledge that can make a big impact in specific areas. 

Concentrating your efforts in those areas can lead to more meaningful results.


Consider where your help can make the most significant impact. 

It's okay to prioritize certain causes or individuals based on their needs and your abilities.


Remember that taking care of yourself is essential. You can't help others effectively if you're not well-rested and healthy.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Limited Resources
  2. Burnout
  3. Quality vs. Quantity
  4. Boundaries
  5. Specialization
  6. Impact
  7. Self-Care