Financial Problems: The Psychological Side

06.04.2023 13:38
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Psychological problems can be the root of money problems. In the article we will tell you about 2 the most common cognitive distortions.

Fear of repeating difficulties from the past

The brain often sees patterns where there are none.

Anxiety often consumes many people. A person is afraid to try new things and abandon old attitudes.

Here it is important to acquire the skill to look at the situation from different angles and be able to choose new life scenarios.

If in the past you were careless with money, start changing the situation in the present with little things. Make a small plan or set of rules that you will adhere to.

Photo: Pixabay

Try to start small; do not overload yourself with grandiose plans right away.

Focus on the crisis

For example, you do not have enough money to pay bills or pay debts. You are immersed in an endless stream of thoughts about how many things you do not succeed.

However, this kind of thinking does not mean that the difficulties you face are temporary obstacles. Ask yourself the question: “Is this temporary or for the rest of your life?”

In crises, it seems to a person that it will last forever, and we will always feel the same way. However, this is not true.

Make a list of the things you are happy with in your life. Don't forget the things that bring you pleasure.

In addition, low self-esteem and unresolved psychological trauma can affect financial well-being.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Fear of repeating difficulties from the past
  2. Focus on the crisis