Having a hobby improves mental health: how to choose what to do

03.04.2023 19:58
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Needlework, cooking or gardening is much more mentally beneficial than you think.

A hobby helps to cope with stress, fatigue, burnout and reduce symptoms of depression.

How to improve your well-being with a hobby

A hobby helps to improve not only mental health, but also stimulates mental work.

To achieve a good result, try practices that combine mental and physical activity. For example, dancing, yoga, climbing, martial arts. In addition to feeling good, you will improve your physical fitness.

Creativity also improves many aspects of life. Drawing, modeling, knitting, sewing improves mood and helps to cope with stress.


How to choose a hobby

The first thing you can do is remember what you loved to do as a child. What could you do for several hours in a row and have a good time?

Hobbies can be completely different: fishing, gardening, cooking desserts, embroidery, playing with animals, swimming in the pool, working out in the gym, art practice.

An important rule of a hobby is that it should bring pleasure. If you are nervous when doing embroidery, skip this activity.

To shorten the list, evaluate which type of activity suits you in all respects. Include your emotional state before and after, comfort, financial capabilities in the rating scale. Try to narrow down the list to 1-5 activities.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to improve your well-being with a hobby
  2. How to choose a hobby