Hidden signs of low self-esteem: Psychologist's insights

26.11.2023 10:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Self-esteem affects most (if not all) spheres of someone's life, including their habits, behavior, and views.

While some signs of low self-esteem can be quite obvious, other signs can be hidden, and therefore not that obvious.

Here are a few of them.

Avoiding Eye Contact

People with low self-esteem might avoid looking others in the eye. It's like they feel a bit shy or unsure about themselves.

Being Too Self-Critical

Imagine someone always saying mean things about themselves in their mind. 


That's what it's like for people with low self-esteem. They might be their own toughest critics.

Always Apologizing

Someone with low self-esteem might say sorry a lot, even for small things. It's like they feel they're always making mistakes.

Not Speaking Up

People with low self-esteem might find it hard to share their thoughts. 

It's like they worry others won't find what they have to say important.

Comparing Themselves to Others

Imagine always thinking everyone else is better or smarter. 

People with low self-esteem might do this a lot, making them feel like they're not as good as others.

Fear of Rejection

Someone with low self-esteem might be really scared that others won't like them. It's like a fear of being rejected or not being accepted.

Putting Others First Always

People with low self-esteem might always focus on making others happy before themselves. 

It's like they don't think their own needs are as important.

Avoiding New Things

Trying new things can be scary for someone with low self-esteem. It's like they worry they won't be good enough or will mess up.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Avoiding Eye Contact
  2. Being Too Self-Critical
  3. Always Apologizing
  4. Not Speaking Up
  5. Comparing Themselves to Others
  6. Fear of Rejection
  7. Putting Others First Always
  8. Avoiding New Things