Important to Know: What Affects Our Mental Health

11.09.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

More people in the United States are living with mental and emotional disorders: in 2019, approximately 19.86% of adults in the United States had a mental disorder.

Why mental health can be impaired

Mental health can be impaired for various reasons: long-term stress, family problems, personal grief, even a traumatic brain injury can lead to this kind of problem.

What worsens mental health

Feelings of anxiety, constant stress and worries can lead to deterioration in health.

People who take care of their mental health tend to achieve greater success, both professionally and personally.

Mental health is important in terms of communication, especially in the family.


How to understand that you have mental health problems

WHO has identified the following criteria for mental health: Constancy, identity of one’s own “I” at the mental and physical level.

A person with a healthy psyche always feels like himself, is aware of who he is, what he is doing and why, and where he is.

Where do mental problems come from

The causes of mental problems are often combined - a person is stressed, the body is weakened by infection or overload, there was once an injury, a relative suffers from a disorder (a burdened family history).

The importance of each of these factors should be assessed by an experienced psychotherapist.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why mental health can be impaired
  2. What worsens mental health
  3. How to understand that you have mental health problems
  4. Where do mental problems come from