Interesting Research: What Makes Us Stay in Unhealthy Relationships

26.06.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

An unhealthy relationship is a loose concept. However, the main signs are discomfort, manipulation, frequent quarrels and insults, the impossibility of open communication and lack of trust.

Why We Stay in Unhealthy Relationships

In a study published in the Bulletin of Personality and Social Psychology, participants were asked whether they would rather stay with a current partner with certain traits, or choose someone with the opposite.

As a result, participants prioritized their partner over the desired traits of a potential partner.

This choice is driven by the fear of change, even if there are better options.

That is why people stay in relationships that are not right for them, but feel stable and close to a person they have known for a long time.

Photo: Pixabay

However, there were other reasons as well. Some of the members didn't want to hurt their partner because of the breakup.

For others, the difficulty was to go through all the stages again in a new relationship and put effort into it.

Sometimes the participants idealized their current partner and turned a blind eye to the negative aspects of the relationship.

In order to get out of a toxic relationship, it is important:

  • Keep track of your needs and desires.
  • Realize that you deserve more.
  • Challenge your comfort zone and embrace change positively.
  • Understand that your happiness and comfort is in your hands.
  • Ask for help when needed.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource