Introducing the Memory Translator: A Remarkable Machine Revealing Your Inner Thoughts

17.07.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Cutting-edge research conducted by scientists at The University of Texas at Austin has resulted in the development of an extraordinary AI system known as a semantic decoder.

This groundbreaking system can translate someone's brain activity while listening to or imagining a story into a continuous stream.

Let's find out more!

It can change everything

This innovation holds significant promise for those who are mentally conscious but can't speak, such as those affected by strokes, as it provides a means of comprehensible communication.

Unlike other decoding systems, this noninvasive approach eliminates the need for surgical implants.

People undergo training by listening to podcasts inside an fMRI scanner, which measures their brain activity as they engage with new narratives.

Based solely on this brain activity, the decoder generates text that captures the essence of what is being said or thought, although not necessarily word-for-word.


In a test, the decoder achieved impressive success, accurately matching the intended meanings of original words in about half of the cases.

To address concerns regarding potential misuse, the specialists have taken precautions, stressing that the technology is exclusively intended for cooperative people who want to take part in it.

Results obtained from untrained individuals proved unintelligible, while resistance from trained participants compromised the accuracy of the decoding.

This can help lots of people

This cutting-edge research offers newfound possibilities for communication among individuals facing speech impairments, although further advancements are required to make the system more practical and accessible for everyday use.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. It can change everything
  2. This can help lots of people