A new study: Thinking about God affects believers – it makes them riskier

01.01.2024 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

A recent study revealed that religious individuals are more inclined to take risks when they contemplate their faith.

The research showed that participants who held a belief in a kind and protective God felt more assured when undertaking potentially hazardous or uncertain endeavors, as they perceived a safety net.

Let's see what they've discovered.

Surprising research

Past studies exploring the relationship between belief in God and risk-taking had weak methodologies, but this well-designed study successfully established a connection between belief in God's protection and a higher propensity for risk-taking.

The study specifically targeted Christian Americans who hold the belief in a God who safeguards them.


It examined risks that are considered morally neutral, such as recreational activities like mountain climbing, as well as social and career-based risks like relocating for a new job opportunity.

The results suggest that religious individuals may experience a feeling of security derived from their belief in God, which motivates them to embrace risks.

However, it doesn't determine if religious individuals are more likely to take risks compared to non-religious individuals.

Why it's important

The study suggests that beliefs about God can positively impact how Christians navigate daily life, providing them with a coping mechanism to deal with uncertainty, fear, and stressors.

These beliefs may help individuals see their lives in a more positive way, making them more inclined to pursue opportunities they might otherwise avoid.

Previously, we talked about feeling attractive.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Surprising research
  2. Why it's important