A new study: Unexpected situations – researching specific brain cells

16.01.2024 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain when you face some unexpected situations?

Scientists have discovered something new in their research about chandelier cells, a special type of brain cell.

These cells become active when unexpected situations occur. Let's explore what the scientists have found out.

A new research

Scientists have long wondered about these cells' function.

To investigate, researchers from different labs collaborated and studied chandelier cells, which are found in small numbers in the cortex.


The scientists used a special mouse model to study chandelier cells.

They labeled these cells with a fluorescent marker, which helped them see the cells in action and understand their activity.

During their research, the scientists noticed that chandelier cells in the visual cortex reacted to unexpected and surprising things.

They also found that these cells can change and adapt their activity when they are repeatedly exposed to the same stimulus over time.

The study provided a detailed understanding of chandelier cells, including how they connect with other brain cells and how they affect them.

Why it's important

Understanding the role of chandelier cells is really important for our ability to learn from unexpected situations.

Chandelier cells are a type of brain cell that helps control the beginning of electrical signals in the pyramidal cells of the cortex.

They have an inhibitory function, meaning they regulate the activity of other cells in the brain.

Contrary to previous beliefs, the research showed that the control exerted by chandelier cells on pyramidal cells is weak, challenging prior conclusions.

Previously, we talked about how dangerous inflammations can be.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. A new research
  2. Why it's important