People with purpose in life feel less lonely: A new study claims that goals beat loneliness

05.07.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Lonely people tend to feel better when they have life goals, a new study claims.

It helps lonely individuals to get rid of negative thoughts and concentrate on things they actually enjoy.

Let's find out more.

It's important to fight loneliness

A recent study led by Patrick Hill, a psychologist, reveals that having a sense of purpose in life can help protect against loneliness.

The study examined over 2300 peoples in Switzerland and found that those who had some goals in life experienced less loneliness, regardless of their age.


Having a sense of purpose means feeling directed and fulfilled, whether it's through activities like gardening, supporting their families, or becoming successful at work.

Engaging in some activities that provide a sense of purpose often involves interacting with others, which helps to beat loneliness.

It's a very powerful tool to fight negativity

However, the study also found that a sense of purpose can fight loneliness even when alone.

It is particularly important for older adults, as finding meaning later in life can combat loneliness and dispel the notion of retirement as a time for idleness.

It's worth noting that finding purpose doesn't have to involve grand aspirations; even small things that hold personal meaning can make a difference.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. It's important to fight loneliness
  2. It's a very powerful tool to fight negativity