Psychologist Explanation: What is Depression

14.09.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Depressive disorder, also known as depression, is a mental health condition that occurs when a person experiences prolonged sadness or no longer shows interest in activities that they previously enjoyed.

In addition to affecting your mood, depression can change your thoughts and behavior and limit your ability to function.

Why depression occurs

With depression, the balance of special substances in the brain - neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine) is disturbed.

Lack of serotonin manifests itself in decreased mood, sleep disturbances, and appetite.

The causes of such a painful condition for a person in most cases are neuropsychic shock or chronic stress.


Depression can be accompanied by serious illnesses and sudden changes in life.

Treatment is based on the use of psychotherapeutic techniques.

How do I know if I'm depressed

The main symptoms of depression are decreased mood, lethargy, apathy, loss of interest in life, work and favorite activities, constant fatigue, sleep and appetite disorders.

Most often, depression is diagnosed in women and young people of any gender aged 18-25.

Children suffer from depression almost 1.5 times less often than adults.

What does a person with depression look like from the outside

Typical symptoms of depression include: a feeling of depression and melancholy that persists for a long time; loss of pleasure and interests - loss of goals in life, abandonment of favorite activities; decreased energy, increased fatigue.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why depression occurs
  2. How do I know if I'm depressed
  3. What does a person with depression look like from the outside