Psychologist Explanation: What is a Nervous Breakdown

18.09.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

A nervous breakdown is an outdated term that describes an overwhelming reaction to stress.

As a result, you will be unable to perform daily activities.

What is a nervous breakdown

The terms “nervous breakdown,” “nervous disorder,” or “emotional breakdown” often describe a condition in which a person is unable to cope with stress, anxiety, and worry on his own and cannot function normally in everyday life.

A nervous breakdown is a state of extreme stress triggered by prolonged stress or spontaneous experience.

This disorder is caused by an overload of the nervous system in the presence of factors that do not give a person the opportunity to relax and feel safe.


How to tell if you're having a nervous breakdown

A nervous breakdown can manifest itself through problems with concentration and memory.

The person may have difficulty concentrating on tasks and become overwhelmed and distracted.

In addition, memory may become less reliable and the person may have difficulty remembering and recalling information.

What happens if a nervous breakdown is left untreated

If treatment is not started, the emotional state may become worse, which will lead to serious consequences.

Firstly, this will affect physical health - diseases associated with the organs and systems of digestion, heart, and breathing may appear or worsen.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is a nervous breakdown
  2. How to tell if you're having a nervous breakdown
  3. What happens if a nervous breakdown is left untreated