Psychologist Explanation: Why People Cheat

19.09.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

As it turns out, infidelity is the most common reason for divorce.

According to one 2017 article published in Current Opinion in Psychology, approximately 2% to 4% of spouses have had sexual relations with someone else within one year of marriage.

Why do people cheat

The main reasons why people cheat are numerous and range from “emotional disconnection” from their partner to deep-seated emotional problems of the cheater themselves, such as lack of self-confidence or lack of discipline and control.

What does a person experience when cheating

Your nervous system and cognitive perception are primarily affected.

Adrenaline and other stress hormones affect the sympathetic nervous system and lead to increased arousal and restlessness.


Signs of betrayal appear even where there are none.

Do I need to admit to cheating

Whether you admit to cheating or keep it a secret depends on how valuable you value being in a close relationship.

If it is more important to keep everything as it is, you should not admit to cheating.

If you want a truly close relationship, it is fundamentally important not to have these kinds of secrets.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do people cheat
  2. What does a person experience when cheating
  3. Do I need to admit to cheating