Psychologist Explanation: Why People Get Jealous

10.10.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Some evolutionary psychologists believe that jealousy is actually an emotion designed to let someone know that an important relationship in their life may be at risk.

They believe that understanding evolutionary ideas about unwanted emotions can help people overcome them.

What is jealousy from a psychological point of view

In psychology, jealousy is considered as a negative feeling that arises from self-doubt when feeling a lack of attention, love, respect or sympathy from a very close person, while all this is really or imaginary received by someone else.

Jealousy is a complex feeling; the set of emotions included in it can be varied.

As a rule, jealousy includes attachment to a partner, fear of loneliness or loss of a partner.


Anger and rage can also be added, and together they show a person not from the most pleasant side.

Why is jealousy dangerous

Jealousy destroys a person, making him suspicious, suspicious, and not trusting anyone.

A jealous person moves away from reality and even sees what is not and cannot be. Jealousy can lead a person to commit a crime.

Where does jealousy come from

It should be remembered that jealousy is an energy-consuming feeling.

It is formed in childhood, for example, when a girl hears from her mother that all men lie, they cannot be trusted, they always cheat.

Growing up, the child becomes more and more ingrained in this belief, which affects self-esteem and relationships with the opposite sex.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is jealousy from a psychological point of view
  2. Why is jealousy dangerous
  3. Where does jealousy come from