The Psychologist's Explanation: Where Rage and Anger Come From

13.07.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Rage is an extremely powerful feeling. In anger, a person even ceases to feel pain. And due to the sharp release of energy, it becomes stronger. In fact, the body comes into a state of combat readiness.

What can be associated with rage in society

There is more rage, discontent and anger in society than ever before. So what lies behind this disturbing trend?

According to an article published in Psychology Today, anger arises when a person feels vulnerable.

Rage arises for completely different reasons. For example, because of addictions, mental illness, high levels of stress and emotional burnout.

The manifestation of anger helps us to get rid of these complex emotions and feelings. However, the way of expressing anger should be environmentally friendly.

Photo: Pixabay

To express your anger not at people, you can use breathing practices, physical activity, brisk walking, as well as hitting a pillow or doing creative work.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource