Psychologist's Explanation: Why Jealousy Occurs and Why It's Dangerous for Relationships

21.07.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

Jealousy is about attention, love, care from other people. That is, when we are jealous of a loved one - in fact, we envy someone third, to whom, as it seems to us, our loved one gives more warmth, attention and love.

Why is a person jealous

Pathological distrust of a partner is usually associated with fears of loneliness, due to the trauma of rejection or separation experienced in childhood. In extreme cases, such jealousy can be a manifestation of some mental disorders (disorders of personality, behavior and emotions).

Jealousy manifests itself as a reaction to injustice, due to anxiety and feelings of helplessness, inability to express love or self-centeredness - rejection of other points of view than one's own.

In psychology, jealousy is seen as a negative feeling that arises from self-doubt when feeling a lack of attention, love, respect or sympathy from a very close person, while someone else really or imaginary receives all this.

According to one study, jealousy and surveillance of a partner has a negative impact on relationships, contributing to relationship dissatisfaction.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource