Stressed moms lead to unruly kids: A new study

04.12.2023 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Parents can affect their kids a lot, and sometimes the connection is even bigger than we might think.

Stressed, anxious, or depressed mothers during pregnancy may increase the chances of their kids having mental health and behavior problems as they grow up.

Let's see how it's linked.

How it was studied

The study examined information from 55 studies involving more than 45,000 participants.

The findings revealed that mothers who experienced higher levels of stress, depression, or anxiety during pregnancy had a higher likelihood of having children who showed signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), aggression, or hostile behavior.


These effects were observed in both boys and girls, and they remained consistent across various age groups, with the most pronounced impact occurring in early childhood.

The research emphasizes the significance of providing accessible mental health care and support for pregnant women as a means of preventing behavioral problems in children.

Why it's important to know

To further advance our understanding in this field, future research should prioritize increasing diversity and exploring the impact of cultural and socioeconomic factors on prenatal stress. This will help in the development of effective interventions.

Currently, the researchers are engaged in studies aimed at identifying support systems and resources that foster resilience and aid in recovering from stress during pregnancy.

These studies specifically focus on families who face health inequities.

The ultimate goal is to enhance mental health outcomes for both parents and children by providing targeted assistance and interventions during the prenatal period.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. How it was studied
  2. Why it's important to know