

To manage your weight successfully, you don't have to cut off all your favorite dishes – it's often enough to cook them differently. For instance, delicious risotto can contain fewer calories, but still be delicious, and you just need to alter the recipe a bit.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking ideas weight management calories dieting Cooking 27 January 2024

Risotto is a delicious dish, and it's not just simple rice with veggies or sauces - it's all about its texture. If you've ever tried the original dish, then you know how creamy and full of flavor it should be.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking tips recipe cooking guide food Cooking 29 November 2023

Risotto is an amazing dish that can be extremely versatile - you just need to be a bit more creative when cooking it. While rice is essential, other ingredients are pretty much replaceable, so you can experiment with the dish a lot.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking rice recipe ideas Cooking 16 October 2023