
swollen knee

Swelling is generally bad - it's not healthy, it makes us look older and bigger, and it generally makes us look tired and sick. While swelling can be tied to various health conditions, it's also heavily affected by our dieting.

Kate Yakimchuk food dieting tips Cooking 8 October 2023
green tea

Some foods cause swelling, and some foods help fight it - so you should choose your diet carefully. If you suffer from swelling regularly, then nutritionists advise you to add these foods to your regular diet.

Kate Yakimchuk food health tips Cooking 4 October 2023

No one likes swelling - it makes you look bigger, changes your facial features, and generally feels uncomfortable. One of the most common reasons for that is food you eat daily - and some foods are more likely to cause this problem than others.

Kate Yakimchuk food salt tips health Cooking 8 September 2023