

You can use alcohol to marinate meat - after cooking process, all alcohol evaporates, leaving meat nice and tender. When it comes to marinating meat, there are various types of alcohol that can be suitable and add unique flavors to the dish. 

Kate Yakimchuk marinade cooking tips Cooking 12 July 2023

While people buy alcohol when they want a drink or two, some animals manage to produce it within their bodies. The new study from University of California shows that hummingbirds can actually be drunk, so they explored whether birds like it or not.

Kate Yakimchuk birds research Animals 24 June 2023

A study published on Science Direct claims that long-term alcohol drinking can irreversibly damage your brain. While some negative effects can go away after you stop drinking for a while, others may stay with you forever.

Kate Yakimchuk brain brain damage health mental health Psychology 16 June 2023