Нужно постараться «переключить рычаг эмоциональной передачи на меньшую скорость».
Pavel Gospodarik Главные новости люди депрессия настроение лайфхаки 26 December 2024Irritability brings great discomfort.
Diana Dashkevich mental health irritation stress facts 26 August 2024Mental health can and should be maintained in shape.
Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts psychologist tips advices 25 August 2024Often a stream of thoughts does not leave us and does not allow us to live normally.
Diana Dashkevich mental health thoughts psychologist tips facts 25 August 2024Compulsive overeating is a common and serious problem.
Diana Dashkevich health facts mental health psychologist tips facts 24 August 2024There are many different causes of insomnia.
Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts health and sleep sleep routine 24 August 2024Anxiety can be caused by various reasons, each of which has its own characteristics and requires an individual approach to treatment and support.
Diana Dashkevich anxiety mental health stress 24 August 2024Often, laziness prevents you from living a full life.
Diana Dashkevich laziness mental health facts advices 23 August 2024Creativity is more beneficial for a child's mental health than you think.
Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts children children safety 23 August 2024Social networks can affect mental health.
Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts social media facts 22 August 2024Avoidance behavior can be a real problem in any relationship.
Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts facts 22 August 2024ADHD is a common feature not only in children, but also in adults.
Diana Dashkevich mental health personality life facts 21 August 2024Sometimes, solitude can actually be good for your psyche.
Diana Dashkevich mental health loneliness health facts facts 21 August 2024Motivation is accompanied by success in all endeavors.
Diana Dashkevich motivation mental health facts life 20 August 2024Asperger's syndrome is a form of autism.
Diana Dashkevich mental health children child care facts 20 August 2024Stress has a negative impact on both mental and physical health.
Diana Dashkevich mental health stress anxiety meditation psychologist tips 19 August 2024Gratitude is one of the most underrated things that people have.
Diana Dashkevich mental health health facts communication happiness 19 August 2024Empathy is an important part of society and the life of each individual.
Diana Dashkevich empathy mental health facts psychologist tips 18 August 2024Sometimes you can tell if someone is lying by nonverbal cues.
Diana Dashkevich lie mental health communication psychologist tips 18 August 2024Laughter is good for mental and even physical health.
Diana Dashkevich mental health psychologist tips emotions 17 August 2024