Can Dogs Eat Peaches According to Vets

01.08.2024 08:00

Dogs can eat some fruits and vegetables.

Can Dogs Eat Peaches

Peach is a non-toxic fruit for dogs that contains useful substances - vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, you can occasionally treat your pet with a small amount of pitted peach.

Cut off a small piece of fruit - no more than 2 cm.

There is nothing particularly wrong with allowing your dog to enjoy this sweet treat in small quantities.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Nevertheless, despite the non-toxicity of fruits for dogs, there are other dangers.

Therefore, you should not feed your dog large amounts of peaches.

The danger of peaches for dogs

The fact is that peaches are sweet fruits with a high sugar content.

Large amounts of fruit can lead to such problems in your pet as obesity, problems with the digestive system and chronic diseases.

Of course, it takes a long time for these health problems to arise.

Nevertheless, you shouldn't risk your pet's health and give them a lot of peaches.

Treat this fruit as a treat.

In addition, dogs should not be given peaches with pits.

The animal can get hurt or choke on the peach pit.

It also contains a substance that is toxic to animals - cyanide, which causes serious health problems.

If your dog has eaten a peach pit, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for treatment.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Can Dogs Eat Peaches
  2. The danger of peaches for dogs