Expert Explain: Why You Feel Guilty About Your Pet

13.06.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Guilt towards animals can arise for various reasons, including depression and anxiety. In the article, we will talk about a new study on this subject.

Where does pet guilt come from

In 2022, a team of scientists led by Colorado State University's Dr. Lori Kogan published the results of the first investigation into pet-related guilt in Animals magazine.

According to research, about 85% of dog owners and 75% of cat owners consider animals to be part of their family.

Therefore, scientists have come to the conclusion that the feeling of guilt is equivalent to that which a person experiences in front of parents or children.

During the study, the participants were divided into an equal number of men and women. They had to fill out several questionnaires, including a scale of feelings of guilt towards their pet.


In addition, study participants rated their level of attachment to animals and how they deal with difficult feelings such as guilt.

The survey results were extremely interesting.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource