With pleasure they eat grain - oats, millet, wheat, barley, corn. Sometimes you can feed the seeds in small quantities. They eat well cottage cheese, cheese, boiled egg protein. As a treat, vegetables, fruits, berries, bread are suitable.
Rodents see well only at a short distance. At the same time, they better distinguish moving objects, and stationary ones can only see up close. For example, a rodent will notice a sharp wave of the hand and quickly run away, but it will not recognize a motionless person until it literally buries its nose into it.
Mice and humans have similar taste systems. Studying how a mixture of rodent taste bud cells relay taste information to the brain could one day allow humans to recreate taste cues.
The scientists demonstrated how mice choose one of three different strategies to navigate their environment towards a goal.
Wild mice live for about a year. This is due to the conditions of existence and the frequent lack of good nutrition. Decorative mice, which are kept in comfortable conditions, live for about three years. If the mouse turns out to be a long-liver, then it can live up to five years.