How to give a pill to a cat if it resists: the main thing is to act at the right time

04.06.2024 02:00

Cats often resist taking medications prescribed by a veterinarian. What to do in such a situation?

How to give a pill to a cat if the animal resists

To give your cat a pill, it is important to grasp it with your thumb and index finger.

Then grab the animal by the cheekbones and open its mouth slightly.

Tilt your pet's head back. If the jaw is not open, try gently applying pressure to open the cat's lower jaw.

After this, bring the pill to your mouth and place, it as deep as possible on your tongue and close your pet's jaw.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Then it is important to lightly stroke the animal’s throat and blow into the nose so that the cat successfully swallows the pill.

To make it more convenient to hold your cat in your hand, wrap your pet in a towel.

This way, the animal will not be able to break out and scratch you.

How to give a pill to a cat using a special device

You can make it easier to take pills using a special device - a plastic tube like a syringe.

To do this, place the medicine inside the device and press the plunger with your thumb.

Tilt the animal's head back, wait until the cat opens its jaw on its own.

Place the device on the base of your tongue. Then press the plunger to get the pill as far as possible on your pet's tongue.

Then you should also lightly massage the animal's throat.

Previously, we talked about how to keep two or more dogs in the house.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to give a pill to a cat if the animal resists
  2. How to give a pill to a cat using a special device