Important to Know: How Life on the Street Affects Animals

05.10.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Psychologists from the University of Nebraska at Omaha (USA) studied how strong the bond is between a dog rescued from adverse conditions and its new owner by assessing behavioral and physiological responses under stress.

The results of the study were published in the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

How Canine Depression Manifests itself

Typical symptoms of depression - depression, fatigue and anhedonia - in dogs are more likely to be signs of physical disorders.

Lethargy, refusal to play and walk, and decreased appetite in pets can indicate various diseases and are nonspecific symptoms.

Stress in a dog: symptoms

Others, on the contrary, look apathetic, lie motionless, refusing to communicate and demonstrating reluctance to follow commands.


The animal may begin to lick and even gnaw on any part of the body, often the base of the tail or paw.

Finely bite yourself, as if catching fleas.

How to relieve your dog's condition

Incentives in the form of treats, distraction with games, and visits to special sports grounds help.

The effect of novelty also works: new commands, toys and treats.

Communication with relatives also has a beneficial effect on the dog.

But a competent method must be chosen by a specialist to prevent the situation from worsening.

Is it possible to correct the behavior of an adult dog

Is it possible to correct the behavior of an adult dog that has lived with several owners? Yes, this is possible if the dog does not show excessive aggression and does not threaten the life and health of others.

You will have to be patient; correcting the behavior of an adult dog is a long and labor-intensive process.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How Canine Depression Manifests itself
  2. Stress in a dog: symptoms
  3. How to relieve your dog's condition