Interesting Facts: What Emotions Pets Can Experience

02.10.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

In March 2022, the scientific journal Affective Science published the results of a study conducted by Dutch scientists from Leiden and Utrecht universities.

In the course of their work, they discovered the ability of animals to experience emotions.

However, the answer to the question to what extent the feelings of animals and birds are similar to humans remains a matter of debate.

What emotions do animals experience

Animals, of course, experience basic emotions. This is pain, and anxiety, and what we call joy.

But secondary emotions - envy, revenge, gratitude, jealousy, empathy, of course not.


Secondary emotions are determined by human rules of behavior.

What emotions can dogs experience

According to experts, the pet may experience fear, anger, surprise and joy.

True, unlike a person, he cannot analyze his emotions.

Research shows that dogs have a limited range of emotions, similar to those experienced by babies.

Animals lack complex feelings such as contempt, guilt, pride and shame.

How animals express emotions

Firstly, this is expressive behavior: facial expressions, posture, piloerection (when the fur stands on end, different types of vocalization - screaming, whining, etc.).

These are certain forms of behavior that express emotions and moods.

Secondly, under certain conditions the autonomic nervous system is activated.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What emotions do animals experience
  2. What emotions can dogs experience
  3. How animals express emotions