Interesting Facts: What Pets You Can Have Apart from Dogs and Cats

15.09.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

According to the American Veterinary Association (AVMA), rabbits are the second most common pet.

What fish can you keep at home

Which fish do not require special care? For beginner aquarists, guppies, swordtails, mollies, zebrafish, thornets, sticky catfish (Ancistrus) or orderly catfish (Coridoras), and cockerels are perfect.

These fish are easy to care for, but require proper organization of the aquarium.

Which rodent is best for home

Choose rats, rabbits, hamsters or guinea pigs for children, as they are funny and intelligent creatures that are easy to train. 

Chinchillas are suitable for those who are allergic to animal fur, as they are hypoallergenic, and guinea pigs are for those who work a lot.


What types of domestic reptiles are there

Reptiles are unpretentious pets that are easy to care for, and they do not cause allergies.

As your first pet, you can choose an aquatic or land turtle, leopard gecko, chameleon, iguana, blue-tongued skink, corn snake, bearded dragon.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What fish can you keep at home
  2. Which rodent is best for home
  3. What types of domestic reptiles are there